Sunday, January 8, 2012

Free Write/Reflection

I was quite excited when registering for ENN:195 Violence in American Art and Culture to fulfill my urban study requirement. I am a Fine Arts major who hopes to get into the Illustration/Graphic novel field so I thought that this would be an enlightening course for me since violence is a prevalent theme in comics and graphic novels. I initially thought we'd have projects or assignments that would be more personal to us and our individual surroundings considering we live in a city that has been known for acts of brutality and bloodshed on multiple scales. I also expected there to be a trip of some sort considering it is an urban study and I was required to go on many trips for my Art and Society urban study/humanities class. I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the syllabus and seeing what we'd actually be covering and how the assignments correlated with the work. Some of the coursework in this ENN class is in relation to much of the information that I just covered last semester in my Themes in American History 2 course. We didn't get into much detail with the violent and psychological aspects of the draft riots or the civil rights movement rather than an overview of these events so I feel a bit more prepared for this class than I primarily thought I would. What I'm most elated about is that we are also studying violence in film rather than only in short stories and novels because it gives us a chance to analyze how  differently violence can be portrayed in both film and writing since one relies on visuals while the other is solely words.

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